Sunday, May 10, 2009


--------------------------------------- by : Lis Maulina

You’re the frame when I’m cold

You’re the rain when I’m warm

You’re the light when I’m in dark

You’re the friend when I’m lonely

You’re my happiness

But my sadness too

You’re my smiling

But my tears too

Remember you, give me support

Remember you, make me missed

You’ve hurt my heart

But you’ve heal it

And I enjoy all

You’re everything

You’re opening my heart

And closing it

You’re the first

And the last

Maybe I’m fool

But is it a fault

If I love you so…

Yogyakarta, April 28th, 1993

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


--------------------------------------- by : Lis Maulina


If he doesn’t belong to me

Give me power to forget him


If he belong to me

Give me a way to near him

If it is Love and belong to us

Give us chance to enjoy it

Although a moment

Banjarmasin, Oct 4rd, 1990


--------------------------------------- by : Lis Maulina

My Lord,

I’m tired to run and run

Look for that I didn’t know where

I’m tired to wait and wait

Get that I didn’t know when

My Lord,

You have a million more loves

Why didn’t give me just one

You have a million more happiness

Why didn’t present me juat a moment

My Lord,

I love You, I hope You know that

But maybe it’s not enough to pay

Your love is very expensive for me

Who a poor person

Yogyakarta, September - November, 1993