Monday, August 10, 2009


--------------------------- By : Lis Maulina

Sa’watdih ka, I am an owl that yearning for you, Moon
‘Cause you could steal my attention
Throughtout your attendance among all
‘Cause you could seize my sympathy
Throughtout your nice character
‘Cause you could yank my admiration
Throughtout your hard work
‘Cause you could tug my amazement
Throughtout your sweet smile
‘Cause you could get my love
Throughtout your friendly conversation

Kaw tohy ka, I am an owl that longing for you, Moon
‘Cause I could not help my self
‘Cause I could not hold my heart
‘Cause I could not hang my feeling
‘Cause I could not halt my admiration
‘Cause I could not handle my love

Kwap kun mahk ka, I am an owl that yearning for you, Moon
My nights were not dark anymore, but bright because of you
My life was not gloomy anymore, but colored because of you
My days were not silent anymore, but merry because of you
My heart was not frozen anymore, but warm because of you
My hope was not desperate anymore, but delightful because of you

Sa’watdih ka, I am an owl that longing for you, Moon
Who must stop this nice dreams
Who must erase all sweet things about you
Who must let all the memories of you away
Who must bury all the amazement deeply
Who must change this love for you
To the love of God --- the greatest love in the world and beyond
Sa’watdih ka, Phai - kun

Banjarmasin, 29 Juni 2009, Pukul 11:45 Wita