Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Biarkan Jatuh Cinta (Let Me Fall In Love) --- sung by : ST12 ------- Download, Lyrics, Translation

Biarkan Jatuh Cinta (Let Me Fall In Love) --- sung by : ST12

Mata ini indah melihatmu
These eyes are beautiful to see you

Rasa ini rasakan cintamu
This pain felt your love

Jiwa ini getarkan jiwamu
This soul jarred your soul
Jantung ini detakkan jantungmu
The heart ticked your heart

Dan biarkan aku padamu
And let me to you

Menyimpan sejuta harapan
Saved a million hopes

Aku padamu
I'm with you

Rasa ini tulus padamu
This feeling was sincere to you

Takkan berhenti
Never stop

Sampai nanti ku mati
Until I die later
Biarkan aku jatuh cinta
Let me fall in love

Pesona ku pada pandangan
My Enchantment on sight

Saat kita jumpa
When we meet

Biarkan aku ‘kan mencoba
Let me try

Tak perduli kau berkata
No matter what you say

‘Tuk mau atau tidak
wanted or not

Free Download Lagu St12 - Biarkan Jatuh Cinta.mp3, Gratis index of Mp3 Mp4 3gp Video St12 - Biarkan Jatuh Cinta di intitle index-of-mp3.com, Tuesday 28th of September 2010 02:42:32 PM

Rapuh (Fragile) --- sung by : Opick ------- Download, Lyrics, Translation

Rapuh (Fragile) --- sung by : Opick

detik waktu terus berjalan
second by second of the time went by

berhias gelap dan terang
decorated by dark and light

suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
joy and sorrow, tears and laughter

tergores bagai lukisan
scratched like a painting

seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
a thousand millions of lonely dreams

hadir bagai teman sejati
present as a true friend

di antara lelahnya jiwa
among the tired soul

dalam resah dan air mata
in a restless and tear

kupersembahkan kepadaMu
I dedicate to You

yang terindah dalam hidup
the most beautiful in life

meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
although I was fragile in step

kadang tak setia kepadaMu
sometimes I’m not loyal to YOU

namun cinta dalam jiwa
but love in the soul

hanyalah padaMu
only for THEE

maafkanlah bila hati
Please, forgive if the heart

tak sempurna mencintaiMu
imperfectly love YOU

dalam dadaku harap hanya
but in my chest I hope only You

diriMu yang bertahta
Yourself who reigns

detik waktu terus berlalu
Second by second of the time went by

semua berakhir padaMu
all ends of THEE

Free Download Lagu Opick - Rapuh.mp3, Gratis index of Mp3 Mp4 3gp Video Opick - Rapuh di intitle index-of-mp3.com, Tuesday 28th of September 2010 02:28:21 PM

Bunda (Mother) --- Sung by Potret/Melly Goeslaw ---- Download, Lyrics, Translation

----- Sung by : Potret
Kubuka album biru
I opened the blue album
Penuh debu dan using
It was fully dusty and obsolete

Kupandangi semua gambar diri
I looked at all of my photoes

Kecil bersih belum ternoda
Small, clean and not yet tarnished

Pikirku pun melayang
My thought float

Dahulu penuh kasih
Formerly my life was full of love

Teringat semua cerita orang
Remembering all those stories

Tentang riwayatku
About my childhood

Kata mereka diriku s’lalu dimanja
They said I was always being spoiled
Kata mereka diriku s’lalu ditimang
They said I always being swung

Nada-nada yang indah
Beautiful tones

S’lalu terurai darimu
Always parsed from you

Tangisan nakal bibirku
naughty tears of my lips

Tak ‘kan jadi deritamu
would not be your pain

Tangan halus dan suci
Delicated and holy hands

T’lah menangkap tubuh ini
Have captured this body

Jiwa raga dan seluruh hidup
Body and soul and entire life

Rela dia berikan
She willingly gave
Kata mereka diriku s’lalu dimanja
They said I was always being spoiled

Kata mereka diriku s’lalu ditimang
They said I always being swung

Oh Bunda ada dan tiada
Oh …. Mother ….. you were here or not

Dirimu ‘kan selalu ada di dalam hatiku
You’re always in my heart

Pikirku pun melayang
My thought float

Dahulu penuh kasih
Formerly my life was full of love

Teringat semua cerita orang
Remembering all those stories

Tentang riwayatku
About my childhood

Kata mereka diriku s’lalu dimanja
They said I was always being spoiled

Kata mereka diriku s’lalu ditimang
They said I always being swung

Oh Bunda ada dan tiada
Oh …. Mother ….. you were here or not
Dirimu ‘kan selalu ada di dalam hatiku…
You’re always in my heart

Free Download Lagu Melly Goeslaw - Potret Bunda.mp3, Gratis index of Mp3 Mp4 3gp Video Melly Goeslaw - Potret Bunda di intitle index-of-mp3.com, Tuesday 28th of September 2010 02:04:02 PM



Karma --- sung by Cokelat ----- lyrics, translation and download

------- sung by : Cokelat
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net

sekian lama kita bersama
we have been together for so long

ternyata kau juga sama saja
Actually you're just the same

kau kira kupercaya semua
You think I trust all

segala tipu daya oh percuma
all oh vain deceited

kau buat sempurna awalnya
you created perfect at first

berakhir bencana
disaster ended

selamat tinggal saying
goodbye, my love

bila umurku panjang
when my life was long

kelak ku kan datang kubuktikan
someday I'd come to prove

saat kubalas dan kau jelang
when I cleansed and you're ahead
jangan menangis, sayang
Do not cry, my dear

kuingin kau rasakan
I wanted you to feel

pahitnya terbuang sia-sia
bitter all in vain

memang kau pantas dapatkan
indeed you deserve to get all

akhirnya usai sudah semua
all finally have over

kudapat tertawa bahagia
I got happily laugh

selalu tampak indah awalnya
all always looked beautiful at the beginning

berakhir bencana
disaster ended

repeat reff

kau buat sempurna awalnya
you created perfect at first

berakhir bencana
disaster ended

Free Download Lagu Coklat-karma.mp3, Gratis index of Mp3 Mp4 3gp Video Coklat-karma di intitle index-of-mp3.com, Tuesday 28th of September 2010 02:02:14 PM

Ketika Cinta (When Love) --- lyrics, translation and download

Sung By Opick/Siti NurhLIZA
Ada tiada rasa dalam jiwa
There is or no sense in the soul

Rindu akan memanggilmu
The longing will call you

Karna setiap jiwa tlah bersumpah setia
Because every soul has sworn

Hanyalah pada Mu
It is only to YOU

Bila cinta ada di dalam jiwa
When love is in the soul

Wangi bunga dunia tanpa nestapa
Fragrant flowers of world would be without sorrowfull

Sgala yang dirasa hanyalah DIA
Every feeling would be HIM

Hatikan memuja hanya padaNya
The heart would praise only Him

Ketika cinta memanggil
When love calls

Gemetar tubuhku
My body shoke

Ketika cinta memanggil
When love calls

Hangatnya nafasku
My breath was so warm

Ketika cinta memanggil
When love calls

Sang rindu
The longing

Ketika cinta memanggil
When love calls

Rindu…rindu…rindu kalbu
Miss ... miss ... the heart misses

memanggil-manggil nama Mu
calling YOUR name

Seperti terbang di langit Mu
As if flying in YOUR sky

tenggelam di lautan cintaMu
drowning in YOUR sea of love
Bertabur kalbu yang rindu
Sprinkled with a longing heart

Melebur menjadi satu
Melt into one

Bagai menari diiringi pelangi
As if dancing accompanied by a rainbow

Ketika cinta memanggil
When love calls

Free Download Lagu Opick - Ketika Cinta.mp3, Gratis index of Mp3 Mp4 3gp Video Opick - Ketika Cinta di intitle index-of-mp3.com, Tuesday 28th of September 2010 01:56:58 PM

Monday, September 27, 2010

With Your Shadow

What are you doing there, Fan? Are you studying? Or maybe you're remembering your girl in other city, huh? Maybe so. Obviously you're not thinking about me. What for you are thinking of a girl who wasn’t beautiful at all like I was?
Akh, Fan! Maybe I'm a sentimental person. I do not know! Why until now I can not forget you, I will not know! Why I can not forget your innocent face? Why does your voice full of authority always ring in my ears? Why your athletic figure always dancing in my eyes welling? Why?
I'm stupid, you would not answer silly questions like that. I myself just did not know the answers, especially because you did not understand the real problem was. Who I am, maybe you've forgotten. Not like me, I'd never forget you.
Actually, I've been half dead trying to remove your name at the bottom of my heart, but could not. Really! Everything in our school always reminded me of you, how I would be able to forget you? Honestly, I was always surrounded by shadows of your amazing figure.
When I was in the field, I remind of your kelincahan when you was chasing the ball. When my eyes on your class, the shadow of yours in my eyes when you're standing in the doorway, watching the kids playing basketball. Especially when I saw Aji who change you as the Chairman of OSIS, I always remembered you, all his behavior and actions reminded me of you. Not because of anything, because his behavior was like a made-up. He seemed pretentious now. Show-Off, goody-goody, get smart, and cocky everything. He seemed to mimic you. Almost all school events, he was handling. He wanted to show himself. Your activity was only natural, but Aji’s was excessive.
That's why, when I saw him, I remember you. When I saw his behavior was a bit pretentious, my heart always whispers, "You were not so."
For some reason, until now I have never found an interesting guy just like you. To me, you were the only guy who fits with my attitude. All behavior and your character were none contrary to my heart. In my eyes you were no blemish.
Was I wrong, Fan? Am I wrong if I could not forget you until now, forget all the charm, charismatic, symphatic smile, and all that were in you? Was I wrong to always miss you? While you were there and not here anymore.
I wanted to forget about you, but could not. Do I have to leave this school in order to escape from your shadow? Is not that coward? Moreover, I did not want to leave my good buddies.
Let, Fan! Let me stay here with your shadow!
Sayonara, Fan! Learn diligently. Here, my prayers are always said for you. May you always succeed and always cheerful with your ‘goddess’! When dawn began to creep westward, hear my prayer to be sent by wid of night. Sayonara! ***

This is the first of my writing which had published in Hai Magazine No. 26 June 28-July 4, 1988 in Rubric of 'Surat Sahabat' (Companion Letter. I got Rp20.000,- for fee of this writing. It was much enough money at that time, bacause I could treat my best friends having lunch and watching movie, also I could buy a shirt. I felt so rich and happy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Carried Your Name In My Prayers

By: Lis Maulina

I brought your name in my prayers...
As darkness crept
Slithering quiet moments
As many creatures asleep
In dreams or madness

I took your name in my prayers...
When flax is not well maintained
We wash the soul in ablution
When hearts wrapped in rukuh
Sink full of hope

I took your name in my prayers...
In order for the angels took them up
Higher up the moon
Places where you reside
In order for remote wind blew them
Crossing the ocean
Climbing mountains
Reaching the hearing
In order for their sincerity
Vibrating your soul
Penetrate the deepest parts
Corner of your heart ...

I brought your name in my prayers ...
Hoping to convey my love for God
Or replace it with His love to me
I brought your name in my prayers ...

Banjarmasin, June 20, 2009, At 23:00 pm

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

There is Nothing Last Forever (Tak Ada Yang Abadi) By Peterpan --- lyrics, translation, and download

Tak Ada Yang Abadi
There is Nothing Last Forever
------------------------------- sung by : Peterpen

Takkan selamanya tanganku mendekapmu
It would not forever, my handa were holding you
Takkan selamanya raga ini menjagamu
It would not forever, my body was taking care of you

Seperti alunan detak jantungku
As the rhythm of my heartbeat

Tak bertahan melawan waktu
Would not survive against time

Semua keindahan yang memudar
All the beauty would fade

Atau cinta yang telah memudar
Or the love that has faded
Tak ada yang abadi
There is nothing last forever

Tak ada yang abadi
There is nothing last forever

Tak ada yang abadi
There is nothing last forever

Tak ada yang abadi
There is nothing last forever
Biarkan aku bernafas sejenak
Let me breathe for a moment

Sebelum hilang
Before missing
Tak kan selamanya tanganku mendekapmu
It would not forever, my hands were holding you

Tak kan selamanya raga ini menjagamu
It would not forever, my body was taking care of you

Jiwa yang lama segera pergi
The old life would go soon
Bersiaplah para pengganti
Be prepare the replacement

Free Download Lagu peterpan - tak ada yang abadi.mp3, Gratis index of Mp3 Mp4 3gp Video peterpan - tak ada yang abadi di intitle index-of-mp3.com, Wednesday 22nd of September 2010 02:37:34 PM

So Hard To Be A Virgin

IT was hard to be a virgin, especially for a beautiful and sexy girl, Helly --- who had the original name Halimah. If she lived in a remote village, it was easy, not matter. However Helly was a city girl working in the V Bar which often visited by the tourits and famous celebrities. Although She worked as a waitress with Donna, Bowo, and Endang, lead by Indra, but sometimes she also sung with housebandof V bar, when the original singer having a rest coincidence. Apparently, Helly’s appearance seemed very popular around bar patrons.
In love affairs, Helly was not so fortunate, as she often dumped or betrayed by her ex boyfriends. Although it did not make her desperate, but could not help her down. To entertain themselves and pass the time, Helly decided to study again in the PR field.
One time, Helly’s singing appearance in the bar witnessed by the band of Andra n The Back Bone, and Kevin, who claimed himself a producer. Being interested in her, Kevin introduced himself to Helly and offer her to make her a singer. Of course, this invitation was greeted enthusiastically by Helly, though there was a little doubt. To convince, Kevin invited Helly to see Andra’s recording process, then performed session photos. Again Helly felt strange. This confusion was answered when Kevin said he would made her as a dangdut singer. Helly refused. She became angry because Kevin tried touch her. Regardless of the guy who was always talking big, Helly went out.
In other night Andra came to the V Bar, without Kevin but with a rock singer, Rama. They went back to see permissibility of Helly in singing. Rama praised him as a musician with a hidden talent.
Rama actually was in the process of settlement-produced album by Kevin. But the recording process faltered due to the emotional character of Rama, while Kevin kept pushing. As a result, the one on trouble was Yulia, manager of Rama. In the midst of his frustration, Rama actually remembered the song sung by Helly. He also asked Yulia to invite Helly to be cooperate. At first, he just wanted to sing the song himself. But later, he was also invited Helly to sing along with him as a duet.

Actually, this duo popular single was quite popular. Both often performed together. Their relationship was growing closer. But when Rama asked her relationship further, Helly refused because she felt a great singer like Rama would not be serious to her who only a bartender. Moreover Rama disbelief when Helly said she had never experienced in sex so that she was a virgin. Assumption implies distrust Rama himself was bitch. Helly furious. Could their relationship repair again?

Indonesian Title : Susahnya Jadi Perawan
Produser : Nova Elisa, Mirwan Suwarso, Ibong Subagyo
Cast : Nova Elisa, Fathir Mukhtar, Restu Sinaga, Tio Pakusadewo, Julia Perez, Olga Syahputra, Andra Ramdhan

The Dreamers

AFTER losing his friends of the Rainbow Troops, Ikal who had headed teenager getting a replacement in the figure of Arai, distant cousin who became a sacred hoop aka the only fitting for her family lineage. Because her parent has passed away, Ikal and her father picked Arai to live with them. First to see him, Ikal already felt that Arai’s personality was very unique, a jovial and energetic. Later, he also knew, Arai was a true dreamer.
Arai's presence was more completed when they knew the fat and stuttering, Jimbron. He was also an orphan, was treated by a priest. His father died of a heart attack, and he could not do anything about it. Since then he became stuttering. Like Ikal, Jimbron was heavily influenced by Arai’s dreams and imagination that far ahead. Arai made them became the dreamers too. Especially when they were watching the series of Lone Ranger on TV, Arai dream to be a cowboyi, Ikal became an Indian, and Jimbron became a horse which he thought the most gallant animal.
Although sometimes he was difficult to understand because Arai’ thought always went ahead, Ikal really admired him. Especially when he forced him to break the piggy saving they have been gathering for a long time. He used their money to buy flour and baking ingredients and many equipments for making any cakes. All were given to Ma Cik Maryamah order to buy rice to feed his family by selling cakes, so she was no need to ask for more rice to others.
Because there was no high school in their village, Ikal, Arai, and Jimbron continued their education to high schools in Manggar. They rented a modest room in the middle of the market, right in front of the cinema. Arai’s dreamer talent more honed by the presence of their Indonesian teacher, Julian Balia, who supported them to continue to dream as high as possible. This teacher also inspired them to continue their dreams to go college in Jakarta, even Paris, France, so that they could explore Europe and Africa, even around the world.
Arai, Ikal, and Jimbron worked very hard to raise money that will be the cost of reaching their dreams. However, beside they were very busy assembling a dream and plan to make it happen, Arai still had a crush on a girl named Jakiah Nurmala, and strived to attract her attention.While Jimbron also liked Laksmi and wanted to restore her smile which disappeared since the death of his whole family so that made her an orpha. Only Ikal who still could not forget Aling, his first love. He only could support loves of his two friends.
But their way for chasing the dream was very hard. When tin’s price in world’s market fall, PN Timah shoke. Ikal’s father who worked there for so long had be stopped. Their family ‘s economic circumstances become difficult. Arai and Ikal had to give up their savings money mother to relieve the burden of family.
They returned to work hard to raise money again. Oneday, they watched an adult film and caught the headmaster, Mr. Mustar who ultimately punish them clean the school toilets which was horrible. Ikal was angry , assumed all happed because of Arai and his dreams. He skipped school and hang out with sailors in port. He wanted to Paris as a sailor.
Skipping Ikal from school made his mark wahis used only under Arai, finally fall to the bottom rank. His father used to pick up report cards will have to wait long to receive his raport. Although he did not say anything, but Ikal knew his father was disappointed, and he was very sorry had been made his father who he thought as a world champion father was disappointed. Since then, he promised not to repeat his mistakes.
Finally, Arai, curly, and Jimbron successfully graduated. Previously, Arai was also able to soften Jakiah Nurmala’s hearts after learning to sing a Malay songs from a singer of Malay orchestra, Bang Zaitun. In addition, he also helped Jimbron regain Lakshmi smile because he managed to borrow a horse and sent Jimbron riding it to see Laksmi.
Only Arai and Ikal went to Jakarta to continue their study. Jimbron only equip them with his saving in each horse statue. Before seeing Jimbron and Laksmi, they also said goodbye to Mr. Mustar, Ikal’s parents and Mr. Julian Balia. When the ship departed, they also saw Jakiah delivered them with a wave of his hand.
Intending to Jakarta, they were lost until Bogor. But they made it into the UI (Indonesian University), Arai in Biology and Ikal in Economics. After graduation, they were free and worked long enough odd jobs. When curly received became a sorter at the post office, Arai disappeared. They had met again when they were interviewing test to get a college scholarship in Sorbone, France. And they were pursuing their dream by hard working eventually became apparent after they set foot in Brussels with a welcome of splash of snow.

Director : Riri Riza
Writer : Andrea Hirata
Producer : Mira Lesmana
Genre : Drama, Komedi
Casy : Lukman Sardi, Mathias Muchus, Nugie, Rieke Diah Pitaloka, Vikri Septiawan, Rendy Ahmad, Azwir Fitrianto, Zulfani, Landung Simatupang, Sandy Pradana, Nazriel Irham

Romeo Juliet

THIS is the story of Romeo-Juliet of Indonesian football supporters version. A true Jack mania (community of Persija Jakarta’s supporter), Rangga who in his life and death, always supported team of Persija Jakarta. One time, after watching the match Persija against Persib Bandung in Jakarta, Rangga and his fellows of Jack Mania, attacked a bus carrying the Vikings, Persib supporters group. At that time he first saw Desi in the bus. They fell in love at first sight.
Rangga and Desi met again when Rangga went to Bandung to find football merchandise. Incidentally, Desi and his two friends were eating at the shop. They met in the locker room, and exchanged the phone no. Since then, they connected and arranged to meet. Desi went to Jakarta with the reason looking for some books. In Jakarta, Desi stayed in Rangga’s place which also the headquarters of Jack Mania. She was escorted by Rangga for going home to Bandung. In Desi's house, Rangga was introduced to her mother and brother, Parman, who was chairman of Viking. When asked if he was Jack Parman Mania, Rangga could not answer. Fortunately, Parman did not recognize him.
However Rangga presence into the region of Viking was not only known by Daisy and her family. Other member of Vikings came to Parman and Soleh who worked at the garage. He said that he saw a Jack Mania Kid who had attacked their bus in Tangerang, wandering in their territories with Daisy. Parman realized who the real Rangga. When Rangga came again to take Daisy home, almost a fight broke out between them. Fortunately, their mother came to arbitrate.
In Jakarta, Rangga also branded as a traitor by some of his friends of Jack Mania. Only a few close friends supported him. But, he remained to see Desi in her campus secretly. He even asked Desi to get married without family permission. Desi agreed. On the appointed day, Daisy slipped from home. Her mother found out, but she blessed Desi, and gave a message to Desi’ Uncle to legitimate her marriage. Finally, Rangga and Daisy married in a simple way, attended by only close friends.
Desi’s disappearance from home made Vikings were deployed to search. Rangga and his friends could hardly go back to Jakarta, but managed to escape though wounded in the circumstances. Desi was forced to go home alone. To see his wife again, Rangga forced to use the match Persib against Arema in Malang. He went to Malang, joined Aremania which led by Yuli. He waited for the arrival of the Vikings because Desi must be among them.
Rangga indeed managed to meet Daisy. But again, the Vikings cought them escaped through the station. Rangga mobbed, but Aremania arbitrated. For Aremania’s deference who the city, Rangga was released in the wound condition. Yuli tend and comfort him until recovering.
Game of Persib vs. Persija held again in Bandung.Taking advantage of this moment, Rangga went to Bandung. His friends were worried about his safety, catched him. Right, knowing there was Jack Mania infiltrated in supporter of Persib Bandung, they rampaged. Daisy tried to prevent, but no avail. So, as well as the story of Romeo-Juliet , the love story of Rangga-Desi also ended tragically.
This film invited controversy, especially from the Jack Mania and Viking. I'm also a fan of soccer. I’m also Indonesian football watcher, and including those concerned with the fanaticism of supporters who do not often invite violence, verbally as well as non-verbal. That's why I prefer to watch a football game on television, because I thought watching in the stadium does not guarantee its security. Although I love watching football game, I still would not be risking my own safety.But I’m never stopped hoping, Indonesian football will be better, both in terms of achievement, professionalism, managerial organization, and supporter’s behaviour.
Manufacturer: Mega Media International

Producer, Writer, Director: Yusuf Andibachtiar

Cast: Edo Borne, Sissy Prescillia, Alex Komang, Ramon Y Tungka, Epy Kusnandar, Norman Akyuwen, Nani Wijaya

Punk In Love

Are really there the funny punk kids tend to be naive like the characters in this film? Arok was a punk kid from Malang, intend to kill himself because of a broken heart. Half dead his fellow of punk kids; Almira, Aji and Bejo and other residents persuaded him to go down from the roof of the building and cancel the intention to jump from there. They finally found out, Arok secretly loved Maia --- their punk friends who decided to move to Jakarta. Arok was heartbroken when she received a wedding invitation, Maia would married with another guy.
Because of the persuasion of his friends, the intention of suicide Arok cancelled. He decided after Maia to Jakarta to declare his love. He invited three friends to participate. But before departing, they helped Aji a grave digger for the last, being sent out to bury his mother.
These four kids were reckless punk. They went to Jakarta with just little money. So, they decided to go by truck. Since no truck to Jakarta, they boarded a truck to Yogyakarta. But even that was wrong with the truck to Bromo. Eventually they lost at Bromo. Cold and hunger because it is not acceptable to work in restaurants. Ended up eating leftovers from the trash. Fortunately, there was a souvenir shop owner's who treated them breakfast before continuing the journey.
They ride back to the people whose went through to Blitar. There they were handed down in the cemetery of Soekarno, visited an prayed. Although the punk kids, they apparently inherited the spirit of nationalism of Sukarno. Want to travel more comfortable, they decided to take the bus. Unfortunately, in street Aji mostly eating, abdominal pain and dying. At the urging of his friends, he's pee on a bus that not only reduced but handed over to security. They also had the chance to add provisions by ngamen. Because punk song, not many people who give them money. But when they sung dangdut songs, they could collect money for food. Cuteness also can occur when Al mens. We want to buy a bandage only two, the seller does not give. Almost the unrest, but the seller finally gave one pack because it also comes from Malang. Arema fellow supporters.What nonsense ...
Because money supply was decreasing, they returned to Semarang as passenger of a truck. Not until Jakarta, a misunderstanding between genksters and the thugs around. A fight broke out, the four were arrested and detained. Top persuasion of his friends Aji ask for an aunt who made him as a model. This ultimately ensures their aunt so they can get out of jail. In addition, this auntie also led them to find Maia address. Unfortunately, they again met the men. A fight ensued. It turns out they were in the living area Maia. Noise made Maia managed to find them. And a happy ending ....

Director : Ody C. Harahap
Producer : Raam Punjabi
Genre : Komedi
Cast : Vino G. Bastian, Andhika Pratama, Yogi Finanda, Aulia Sarah, Girindra Kara

Provoked, A True Story

A quiet night in London, Tuesday, May 19, 1989, was suddenly broken by the sound of screams of hysteria, fear and heartbreaking.A male descendant of Punjab, Deepak Ahluwalla, was found burned almost the entire body. Police on duty at that time, James O'Connell, immediately rushed to sent him to the hospital. While his wife, Kiranjit Ahluwalla, also was also on the scene in a state of shock and shaken, with two children, Ranjeev and Sundeep, taken to police headquarters for questioning.
Kiran was accused of burning her own husband. The lawyer who represent her, Miriam Taylor, could not do much to help her from punishment, despite knowing Kiran was a victim of abuse of her husband for 10 years. Lately, because the wound was very severe, Deepak also died, so that prosecutors charge her for planned murder.
The first difficulty of the lawyer was substandard communication, since English of Kiran was not good enough. In addition, she also tied the culture brought from India, that the problem of the household was a shameful disgrace that no other people deserved to know. That was why, Kiran refused to speak in court. But witnesses who filed it against her because they lied. Mother-in-law who entrusted to take care of her two sons, said it was she who had been arrogant towards her husband.Then she lied never seen violence done by Deepak to Kiran. Besides that the police, James O'Connell told by the prosecution had to lie by saying after the tragedy Kiran had disappeared. Only a doctor who treated the woman who said she was the victim of abuse as she ever checked the wounds which said by her had suffered because of fall.
Kiran was decided guilty by the court. She also began to enter her new life and violent women in prison. But luckily, Kiran was in the same room with Veronicawho was also imprisoned for murdering her husband.Instantly she was sympathetic to her because Kiran is often haunted by nightmares about her treatment so far.
To Veronica, Kiran told verething what had never expressed to others. Men who previously unknown, betrothed to her and eventually married her, Deepak, did not show symptoms early in their marriage was weird.When moving into a new house, Deepak started acting possessive.When you felt jealous, he did not hesitate of hitting Kiran. In fact, he himself used to sleep with another woman. In addition, spending money Kiran was circumscribed so that is very minimal. In fact, when drunk, Deepak also often forced to serve him, raped her. This went on for ten years. When containing a second child, Kiran almost miscarried because pushed to fall from a ladder.
That night, the anger which buried for 10 years was unbearable. When Deepak was in bed, she walked over, carrying petrol and candles. She poured gasoline into her husband's body. Startled, her husband woke up and jumped. Consequently, the candles held by Kiran felt and the fire grabbed her husband's body which stain by gasoline.
Kiran and Veronica finally became friends. Veronica helped her to improve her English. They often located in the library to read and learn, because Kiran said she wanted to study the law, but thi wish was not allowed by her husband. Forbade the wives of their culture against the wishes of the husband.
The case of Kiran also drew the attention of Radha Dalal, an activist who handle the victims of wife of domestic violence. Together with some friends who are also of Indian descent, she was trying to help Kiran.When Kiran had missed his two sons who are not allowed to visit her by her mother in-law, Radha connected them with false court letter. Radha also tried so Kiran got the court again. Problem was, they did not find lawyers who want to open the case and worked voluntarily. This difficulty heard by Veronica. She then phoned her brother who became a lawyer to help Kiran.
In collaboration with Veronica’s brother, Radha Dalal and his friends found a way to invoke a retrial for the case of Kiran. In addition, they are also active in mobilizing public support by opening up this issue in the media as well as making pamphlets. Radha persuaded Kiran to talk directly to the public. With the provision of English that has improved, Kiran wrote his feelings over the years, and Radha read it in the middle of the show support for Kiran.
Finally, their struggle was not in vain. The court granted the request of a retrial for Kiran. After 3 years 4 months detained, September 1992, Kiran declared free by the courts, and could be reunited with her two children. She was known as a defender of women's rights and was awarded the British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Produksi : Motion Picture Partners Internasional, British Media Fund International
Director : Jag Mundhra
Producer : Sunanda Murali Manohar
Music : A.R. Rahman
Story : Biografi Kiranjit Ahluwalla oleh Rahita Gupta & Kiranjit Ahluwalla
Cast : Aishwarya Rai, Miranda Richardson, Naveen Andrews, Rebecca Pidgeon, Nandita Das

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MVP Lovers

IN the life of Duan Chen Feng, a basketball player who ever won the MVP title, he loves very much 2 things, basketball, and his girlfriend Xiao Xi who was also very fond of basketball. But their relationship changed since the presence of Angel who accidentally hit by Chen Feng, when he was about to perform an important game against a team that reinforced Iceman implacable foe. Chen Feng and Iceman fought the MVP title in this game. In the crash Chen Feng only briefly saw the condition of Angel, then kept going to follow the game. Angel asked him to do that. So, although a bit late, Chen Feng still could play. In the other hand, Iceman just got a phone call, immediately left the game. Apparently, Angel who got the accident was his sister. He was forced to catch up to the hospital because Angel had to get surgery.
Chen Feng earned MVP tittle again. After the game, he visited Angel at the hospital. He was surprised because there was Iceman. He just knew that Angel was Iceman’s sister. Iceman was very angry because Chen Feng was not responsible for abandoning Angel for winning the MVP title. Moreover, Angel's condition was bad. Her legs were paralyzed and she had to use a wheelchair. She also could no longer play the cello. Whereas Angel originally planned to continue her musical Angel abroad.
Feeling guilty, Chen Feng decided to stop playing basketball and stayed with Angel until she recovered. Feng Chen's decision to quit, of course, made Xiao Xi confusing. She felt sad because she could not persuade Chen Feng. But she was a little comforted by her business as a manager of her school basketball team. She got a trouble because no one was interested in joining the basketball team.
One day, Xiao Xi met William or Prince, the son of a wealthy businessman with his friends at a café, the place where the rich children always meet. She was interrupted by them. Xiao Xi fought. She even dared to flush water to William’s face. Instead of anger, William was so interested in Xiao Xi. He decided to move from his school to her school without his mother permission. Two his best friends also moved.
During in the same school, William always helped Xiao Xi, including finding the member for basketball team. He also trained basketball by himself for making Xiao Xi happy. Then he helped Xiao Xi to persuade Chen Feng to join their team.
Chen Feng's patience made Angel falling in love with him. Although she knew Xiao Xi dan Chen Feng were dating, Angel did not care. Even she did ploy to separate them, pretending she was hurt by Xiao Xi because of jealousy. Iceman knew that but did nothing. Chen Feng was trusting Angel more than Xiao Xi. Just William, who always defend and supported Xiao Xi. Especially when their relationship then broke up because of Angel.
But William's love was not sanctioned in his mother. Barbie, a friend who dijodokan with William was sent to accompany him. But lately even Barbie friends with Xiao Xi and others. Meanwhile, despite the end Chen Feng and Xiao Xi still pay attention to each other. Angel suicide attempts actually make a conscious and Feng Chen freed from the responsibility to continue to guard it.
Tapi cinta William pada Xiao Xi tidak direstui ibunya. Barbie, teman yang dijodokan dengan William dikirim untuk menemaninya. Tapi belakangan Barbie malah berteman dengan Xiao Xi dan yang lainnya. Sementara meski putus Chen Feng dan Xiao Xi masih saling memperhatikan. Usaha bunuh diri Angel justru membuatnya sadar dan membebaskan Chen Feng dari tanggungjawab untuk terus menjaganya.
I liked this series because it tells about basketball. Moreover, my back just to know, actor Chen Feng is a Taiwanese national basketball player. No wonder his acting a bit stiff. Hehehe ... You see I got a bit annoyed, because they feel an actor Chen Feng did not blend with the character he played. Especially in scenes that depict emotions. But if the scene playing basketball, very fitting. So that was it. I then understood.

Other Tittle : My MVP Valentine
Produser : Chen Yu San, Liu Jun Jie
Writer : Luo Cai Juan
Director : Liu Jun Jie, Chen Ming Zhang
Cast : Tony Sun as Liu Hua/William (Prince), Yan Xing Shu as Duan Chen Feng, Angela Zhang as Tian Yu Xi/Xiao Xi, Margaret Lin as Ming Juan/Angel, David Chen as Ming An (Iceman), Jason Hsu as D.J, Chen Qiao En as Fang Yi Xue/Barbie, Gao Tian Qi as Gao Xing, Zax Wang as Kang Yong (Killer), Lu Jian Yu as Black Bear, Li Xing Quan as Dong Qi Shen, Wang Shao Wei as Shao Wei, Peng Kang Yu as Xiao Dao, Yan Yun Zhi as Frog, Yang Jie Mei as William Mother, Ke Su Yuan as Johnson


This book contains 2 tittles in one book, continuing ‘Rainbow Troops’ (Laskar Pelangi) tetralogy which unfinished yet. Especially about love story of Ikal and Aling, and journey of life of Maryamah Karpov, who in the last tetralogy entitled Maryamah Karpov was not much revealed.
In Moonlight (Padang Bulan), Andrea continued love story of Ikal and A Ling which did not get the agreement of his father. This dispute made Ikal went from his house. However their love was also influenced by the jealous feeling because of the presence of the new leading figure. This information was obtained by the local detective, M. Noor that relied on a dove, Jose Rizal as messanger. The man was described more handsome and taller than Ikal. Moreover, he was also the sport champion. Half died Ikal tried to overcome him by joining all the sport matches in celebration on August 17, such as ping-pong, football, volleyball even chess.
The results could be guessed, Ikal totally failed. In the end Ikal decided to buy the implement making body taller. The intention is, at least he could be taller than his rival. But he precisely almost died by hanging, and people thought he wanted to commit suicide.
In Moonlight (Padang Bulan) also told about Enong’s --- Maryamah nickname. childhood --- that was very bitter. Her love to English lesson must be claimed because her father, the backbone of family, got the accident, was stockpiled the traditional tin mine. As the eldest child, Enong had take over responsibility by leaving her school and looking for a job. Unfortunately, there was no job for her except becoming the traditional tin miner. Then Maryamah became the first female miner who often was oppressed because of her weakness and ignorance.
In the second book, ‘Love in Glass’ (Cinta dalam Gelas) told more about Maryamah’s life. Especially when she was forced to marry Matarom, the chess champion. However the husband threw her out. For the sake of maintained her dignity and honor, Maryamah was determined to depeat Matarom on the chessboard. Her wish was almost impossible because Matarom who the defending champion was trained by a national master. In the other hand, Maryamah did not know at all about chess. But she did not surrender, as well as she never stopped studying English which made her very much interested in.

Finally, Maryamah began to be studying the chess by the aid of Ikal who continued connecting with his university friend, Ninochka Stronovsky, who had became one of international grandmasters. His trip was very complicated. Day by day the supporter of Maryamah more increased. Including Lintang, the childhood friend of Ikal, was genius. There is none supposed, that first woman of the tin miner hid her talent and competent as a chess player. The style of her in chess was compared with Anatoly Karpov. That was the reason, her name was known as Maryamah Karpov. But could Maryamah maintained her dignity succesfully and took revenge on people oppressed her through depeating all on the chessboard?
Andrea Hirata really brought us in the tension, although we do not understanding chess at all. He also often made the readers smile, but rarely did not feel bitter because of bitter reality of life.

Author: Andrea Hirata
Genuine title in Indonesia : Padang Bulan

1. Moonlight (Padang Bulan)

2. Love in a Glass (Cinta dalam Gelas

Publisher: PT Bentang Pustaka, 2010

Murder Mystery at Kakek Bodo

Unidentified male corpse was found by Kakek Bodo attraction visitors. Incidentally, in the same day with an estimated incidence, Dessy Kosasih also went there, travelled with her friends for refreshing. When she was walking alone because the atmosphere amongs friends has changed uncomfortable, she met a man not far from the scene. At the time some of her friends persuaded and forced her to stay all night, but Dessy rejected because no previous permit from her older brother, Bambang. In their house there were only Bambang, and their sister, Tety. Her father, Captain Kosasih, and her mother went to Jakarta with his youngest brother, Ari.
As the daughter of a police officer, Dessy feel obliged to report what he knew to facilitate investigations. Without knowing by them, her statement quoted by the newspaper and published as news. After read it, murderers who knew there was an eyewitnes, felt threatened. He tried to find out the identity of Dessy and whre she lived.
While the victim was found as Runtung Helmi, a civil servant in BMKP which care of the problem company which the capital partly owned by foreign investors. He came from Jakarta, and was staying in a hotel. A hotel employee who recognized him through his photograph in the paper and reported that he is a guest who did not return after three days while his things are still there. Ath the same time, the institution where Helmi worked in Jakarta also made announcements to lose him in the newspaper.
After the victim's identity is known, Gozali, a friend of Captain Kosasih asked to join the Regional Police Department, investigated the case and find the killer. He just knew, Dessy involved in the case as a witness because he was trying to stay away from the girl since admitted loved him. The news in the paper about this case made him concerned about the safety of Dessy.
Gozali’s fears proved. When she was going to a neighbor's house with her sister, Tety, a car knocked Dessy. Even according to witnesses who saw that happen, the car back and square off for ran over her. But the driver can not be done, because the neighbors who witnessed the fast arriving, and the car quickly escaped. The second experiment also failed, when they get a delivery cake after being tested in the laboratory was toxic.
Of the goods left by Helmi Rantung, Gozali found a business card of Peter Halliday. Then his investigation arrived at PT Melki, firms with venture capital that will soon be inaugurated. One of the owners was Lukmansyah Arsyad. He helped his adopted son, Moelyono Nariman and Yasman Rasidi. Helmi apparently discovered irregularities in the machines purchased by PT Melki that apparently used mechines, while prices and the document stated all the equipments new. Although he was promised by getting much money, Helmi refused to keep silance, because he wanted to get good credit from the office to handdle this case. He wished, this achievement could make him be promoted to higher level. But eventually not the promotion Helmi got, but death.
Gozali race against the time to find out who in the PT Melki killed Helmi. Because, if the killer ass not caught yet, Dessy's life still in danger. Moreover, actually a friend of Dessy who secretly harbored hurt, helped carry Dessy out of the house to be killed. Could Gozali stop it and save Dessy?

Author: S. Mara Gd
Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Year 2005

The Dream of Garuda

"Life is sometimes like a football game. There are players coming in, nothing comes out. Sometimes he's on our side, sometimes on the other side. Be close to the arrival time, so did the release. "Thus one advice has ever spoken by Ali Mahfudin to Bayu, his son.
Bang Ali --- so he used to be called, the former national football player who had to bury his dream continued to play football because of injury. Although eventually changing his profession to be taxi drivers, but it not diminished his love of playing football. Many advices conveyed by him to Bayu, associated with football games, so Bayu could be easy to understand. For Bayu, football was not just a game, because he could learn many things there, such as sportsmanship and cooperation. That was why, finally Bayu was inherited the dream of Bang Ali, dreams of being a football player who had Garuda in his chest.Moreover, in the field, Bayu was like a little eagle. The ball was hard off of his foot, like a garuda was gripping prey.
Bayu began to understand his father's advice when Hery, son of wealthy people who are disabled and stuttering, entered in hislife as a new student in his class. At first Bayu did not like him because he looked arrogant. But the presence of Bang Dullah who became an assistant as well as driver of Hey managed to liquefy their relations.Shortly thereafter, Erwin --- best and bench friend of Bayu died because of dengue fever.
It just was not enough, Mr. Usman, a retired grandfather came from Malang to live with them. Bayu began to feel awkward because Grandpa did not like his hobby of playing football, and did not approve of his ideals becoming a football player. Grandpa did not want Bayu like his father, who abandoned his study in college to become a football player. After getting injury, finally he failed becaome a football player as well as employees of Pertamina, the job which Grandpa wanted.
Bayu tried to understand her grandfather's wishes. Although he had annoyed when grandfather set fire to hisf football shoes which awarded to him. However, he was quite amused because his father always supported him. But he felt sad when father and grandpa foughti because of his hobby. Even my grandfather returned to Malang because of his anger. Fortunately, there was mothers who tried to be neutral and always reconciled them.
Meanwhile, Bayu and Hery were increasingly closer. From Bang Dullah, he learned about the accident that killed his mother and made his legs paralyzed. Hery was resulting sorrow so he talked so stuttering.Though flawed, Hery was also a fan of soccer. He was a contributor for the consumption during their school teams competing. Even he bought them VIP tickets of football match of Indonesia against Thailand. Bayu invited his father to participate. However, due to work, the father following the appointment to the stadium before the game.
The poor can not be rejected, the profit can not be achieved. On the way to the stadium, Bang Ali had an accident, and died. Those most supportive man of ‘little garuda’s dream of playing football had passed away. Could Bayu face it? Grandfather promised to bear the cost of his education, but Bayu had be done averything he said. Did it mean that ‘the young Garuda’ would break his dream?
The Dream of Garuda was prequel of the movie 'Garuda in my chest', which the screenplay was written by Salman Aristo. This novel is the first part of the trilogy, The Dream of Garuda, Garuda in my chest, and Garuda Challenging Sun. Benny Rhamdani is the favorite author of children's story. The language is simple so it is easy to be understood by children. But I like the most is the moral teaching that tucked inside it, about the emotional control, sportsmanship, teamwork, friendship, and courage to pursue dreams. This story match for the players and supporters of football who often could not control their emotions. Hehehe ..

Author: Benny Rhamdani

Type: Trilogy

1. The Dream of Garuda

2. Garuda in my chest

3. Garuda Challenging Sun

Publisher: PT Mizan Pustaka Year 2009

If Tomorrow Comes

At first, A pretty girl, Tracy Whitney’s life was almost perfect. She worked in a bank and established relations with Charles, the most wanted man of many women who was from the descendants of the family. In fact she almost was introduced with Charles's family as the prospective spouse because has got pregnant.
However, in an instant her life changed after accepting the death news of his mother, Doris Whitney. The mother who continued her father’s company in the home town, committed suicide because their company had destroyed by Romano, the accomplice of a mafia. Tracy wanted to seize again the money of her mother. However Romano trapped him as a thief who tried killed him. Tracy was arrested
Not only that, the only lawyer who came to her, evidently was a swindler who co-operated with Romano. She was trapped to acknowledge the mistake that she did not do, so her punishment was increasingly more heavy. Her hope to be free was closed, as well as her dream to marry beloved Charles.
Tracy's life in the prison was really difficult. In fact she lost his prospective baby as a result of being raped brutally by friends of his cell. This suffering precisely made Tracy gather all of his strength that remained to take revenge on people who have brought misfortune on her. She received the Ernestine’s protection that became the ruler of the prison. However when Ernestine was almost free, Tracy felt his safety was threatened, and planned to escape. Fortunately, she had finally been free because of helping the doughter of the chief of the prison officers who almost sank. On release from the prison, Tracy began to draft his revenge plan. The first target was Romano, who was pitted against each other with the boss of his mafia, so he lost his boss faith.Next the lawyer who trapped him. Finally, Tracy cancelled revenge to Charles, because of seeing the man has received the reward by not getting the happiness in his marriage.
Finishing the mission of revenge, Tracy got difficulty finding a job due to her reputation as a convict. Difficulties brought her to a men who got stolen and fraud goods, Gunther. Tracy was persuaded to join. At first, she was forced to do that, but later Tracy was enjoying the tension in her work.She then knew Gunther, snapper class fencer, specifically working on rich people who have a bad reputation.
Along the way, Tracy met Jeff Stevens,also a swindler and thief. At first they competed, but then worked together. Their relationship was closer when Tracy was almost arrested for trying to steal the diamonds from the containers. They fell in love and planned to get married and end the adventure after running the last mission.
Only the last mission they had been staked out by the officers. Daniel Cooper, a detective insurance company, had long followed the trail of Tracy, and obsessed to catch her. Could Jeff andTracy finish their last mission? Or was it Daniel Cooper, who would arrest them?
Shidney Sheldon is my favorite author since the past until now. This novel is one of the best I have ever read. The tension is made me not boring although the book is relatively thick.

The writer: Sidney Sheldon
Translator: Irina Mildawani Susetyo
Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama the Year 2001

Badminton Freak!

Author: Stephanie Zen

Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Year 2010

THIS is the first Teenlit novel that I bought. I never bought the Teen Lit novel before, because my age has been far from 'teen', although I still love reading teenage stories. This time I decided to buy because the title 'Badminton Freak' and after reading the synopsis of it.
A bit much, I felt having the same story with the characters, Fraya Aloysa Iskandar who fell in love with badminton. The difference is, Fraya had the moment when Ricky / Rexy won gold medals at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, long before I got the moment, maybe 10 years earlier, when Indonesia won the Thomas Cup and Hastomo Arbi as a hero. I did not mistake, in 1986 (Really old did not it, huh?)
It was exciting and tense at the time. After all, Indonesia missed the first from China after losing Liem Swie King in rubber sets, defeated by Luan Jin. Hastomo Arbi equalized by defeating Han Jian. Then Icuk Sugiarto lost againts Yang Yang. Fortunately, two Indonesian men's doubles partner were great, they could win the games. Whereas the last double, Liem Swie King / Kartono, a new pair because the genuine pair of Kartono, Haryanto, did not play. Indonesia finally won, I was so glad that time.
Nowaday I still like badminton, although I was not as crazy as before, untill collecting all the news about badminton in the newspaper --- especially about my idol Ivanna Lie. Moreover, today Indonesian badminton achievement begins to decline. Fortunately, there are still the couple of Markis Kido / Hendra Setyawan, and some other good players.
This novel is very interesting because several character of badminton players were real, such as Ricky/Rexy, Maria Kristin, Jo Novita, Liliyana Natsir, Simon Santoso, and several other players. Until I thought, Edward and Edgar Satria character were really exists, too.
This story is about a very fond badminton girl, Fraya while her boyfriend, Albert prefers basketball. Because of her love for badminton, Fraya tried really hard to watch the performances Thomas Cup / Uber Cup held in Istora, even she had to lie to Albert who asked her to watch his basketball game by pretending being sick. Consequently, when she caught, Albert angry and punished her by not allowing watch Uber Cup final between Indonesia vs China. Fraya was very upset. Moreover, in following day, Indonesian Thomas Cup team defeated by in the semi-final, and the China remain bringing Uber Cup to their home. Her relationship with Albert was getting worse, and finally broke up.
Fraya’s despondency could make her open to her mother, Mama who she thought didnot approve of her ideals of becoming badminton player. Mama finally understood the seriousness of Fraya and supported her love of badminton, including when Fraya knew a men's doubles badminton player, Edgar Satria, Mama supported her relationship with him. So in the end, despite failing become badminton player, Fraya got a boyfriend of a badminton athletes. Not bad! Rather than me who also aspire to be a badminton player, but also can not be a girlfriend of a badminton athletes.Hehehe ...
I liked all stories which have setting of sports background, whether they were short stories, novels or films. Any kinds of sport, for example football in 'Garuda in my chest', basketball in 'Beat Buzzer' (Japanese series), MVP Lover, Fireball, Bull Fighting (Taiwan series), and baseball in the 'Strike Love' (Korean Series), and Rookies (Japanese Film), and badminton in the film 'King' and the novel 'Badminton Freak'. If there are others else, you may recommend to me, and told where I could get them. There are also providing several other titles, but I have not got them although I had hunt on a kiosk or shop around quite often.
(Thanks for reading this summary! If you don’t mind, please visit my blog, and you will find my writing more about anything interesting)

The Charges From Life After Death

Thirty years ago, a high school in Medan was uproar. A second grader student, Rindang born in the school toilet. The baby was very small due to premature birth, covered in blood, and got the handicapped without arms. Among the teachers who witnessed this scene in shock, only Mr. Iksan, Indonesian Language Teacher was brave, bringing the poor mother and child to hospital.
Though being pressed, Rindang remain keeping the secret who the father of her baby. She was afraid, no one believed her. Mr. Sabdono known as a good sport teacher and not a flirt. He was newly married and endowed a seven-month-old baby. She has expressed her concern to the teacher who actually she admired. But Mr. Sabdono convinced, his deeds would not make Rindang get pregnant. When menstrual periode of Rindang was too late, he even gave the drug, which according to him were vitamins, but actually for abortion. But the baby survived, although Rindang tried to get rid of the jumping and doing other heavy work. She remains alive despite a disability.
Her parents would not accept her and baby. Mr Sabdono who was once found, accusing her of blackmail. She just wanted some responsibilities, so she could keep her baby. Fortunately, Mr. Iksan saw her chasing Mr. Sabdono but abandoned would to accept them in his house.
But people talked rumour about them. A teenager who has a baby without a father lived with her widower teacher. They believed, Mr. Iksan did. In defense of her teacher, Rindang went to meet Headmaster, Mr. Anwar. Almost she told who the father was, but Mr. Iksan prevented. Feeling cornered, Rindang eventually committed suicide, and handed the baby to Mr. Iksan.
Mr. Iksan moved to Palembang, and married his friend's sister. They took care of that baby as their eldest doughter, and named Farida Iksan. Though flawed, Farida grow independently. He could do anything without the help of others. Even in school she always got good mark. Because her parents were not afford, he had to quit school after graduating from high school, only took a sewing course. She also could not resist when betrothed to a handsome but blind man, Mahmud. By marriage, Mahmud cornea operation in Jakarta, and got his eyes again. He saw the condition of his future wife and began to vote. With a variety of reasons, he always put off marriage. Farida was hurt her pride. She asked her parents permission to continue studying to Jakarta at a cost of sewing results. Her parents agreed.
In Jakarta, Farida stayed at the house of her mother's brother, Uncle Ismail. At first all went well. Farida was diligent, Uncle Ismail always praised her and compared with two daughters, Nani and Yanti. They're unhappy, and pointed Farida’s customers to steal Nani’s watch. Only, Dodi the youngest son of his uncle who really loved her. Farida felt she was not wanted, asked for permission to rent her own room which closer to campus. Uncle Ismail forcedly allowed. Before leaving, Dodi got an accident when both parents were absent. Farida brought him to hospital following Dodi afford. This event was made Nani and Yanti felt. However, Farida still moved.
When having vacation, Farida returned to Palembang, heard Mahmud married another woman because of impatiently waiting her to finish college. Although never loved and approved the engagement, Farida still felt a pang. Her pride was hurt. This incident affected her lecture. Some studies did not pass, one of them was subject of Mr Hans, a handsome professor who secretly admired by her. But Mr. Hans who have been married to a model then helped Farida order to repeat the test of his lessons and lessons of other lecturers. They became closer, so many friends in campus talked about them. Though the Chairman of the Senate, the Sultan, admired Farida, she did not care because not loved him. Her love was given to Mr. Hans eventhough she did not expect to have it.
After a long struggle, Farida successfully passed a law degree. She was handled was the rape of high school student, Linda Ramelan by her sport teacher, Sabdono Lesmono. The first trial decided the punishment for the rapist only three months in jail. It was very unfair, but the victim refused the appeal because of depressing. But she still had to fight. The defendant filed an appeal with the innocent reasons.
Farida kept the information about Mr. Sabdono. When she met her ex-fiance, Mahmud, she found Yuniarti, Mahmud's wife was a former pupil of Sabdono in Surabaya, as well as her sister Yunisar. But Yunisar refused to met her. Then she told of this case to Mr. Iksan. He asked her to meet Mr Anwar, headmaster of the school in Medan, where previously Pak Sabdono ever tought. Story about girls who gave birth in the toilet and refused to tell who the father of her baby and eventually committed suicide were revealed.
Before Farida went to court, Mr Iksan told a baby was born handicapped in the toilet was herself. It meant Mr Sabdono required her biological father, and Rindang, her biological mother was one of the victims. If the court managed to expose, Farida’s good name was at stake. Would Farida be successful to charge her father representing her mother from a life after death?

Author : Mira W.
Indonesian Title : Dakwaan dari Alam Baka
Publisher : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1993


Author : Diana Roswita

Suci’s family experienced financial difficulties. Her mother was just a laundry, and made cakes for selling in a stall, unable to fulfill all their needs. One of the most urgent was the rented house they already stump for a few months. Though the owner has several times asked so that they settle the bill. But because his mother begged, they were given a grace period for another month.
Nevertheless, Suci who was still in high school could not let it be. She tried economical as possible, so that when her friends, Siska and Nita, invited into the cafeteria, she refused. She spent more time resting in the library. In addition, she thought of ways how to get a job to pay their rental arrears.
Suci derived from a simple family who lived in the slum. His father had died. During the time her mother worked hard to support the family; mother, Suci and her sister, Murni. If there was time, they just helped their mother. But mother's condition was not well in recently, made ther income dwindled and required Suci to get additional revenue.
Fortunately, Suci had a neighbor, Ayu, who worked as a waitress in a luxury restaurant. She then met Ayu to ask for any vacancy at the restaurant where she worked. Apparently the restaurant was indeed required additional manpower, not as a waitress, but as a singer who will accompany the guests for karaoke singing. After testing, finally the boss received Suci and directly allowed her to work.
Besides her close friends, Suci also knew Agnes, a classmate who did not get too close. Because of being rich, Agnes also had many boyfriends. So in Agnes's birthday party, she was not present. While from other class, Suci was also familiar with Pierre, a guy who became an idol of girls at her school, including Agnes. Suci knew him accidentally in the library. Once Pierre offered to take her home. Embarrassed by her home state, Suci lied to by appointing an elite house in a luxury housing compleks. Pierre finally knew this lie. But he was not angry and wanted to take her real house.
When Pierre walked, Murni, her sister who have put on jilbab because had learned about hijab, saw them. Murni reminded Suci about Islamic law about the relationship of boy and girl. Although Suci said they are not dating but just friends, but according to Murni, a friendship only for same girl, while for the opposite, they had to maintain their eyes.
More or less Murni’s words affected Suci. Moreover, she accidentally also heard the contents of teaching about the importance of maintaining the sanctity of self. She began uncomfortable with her work, especially clothes she wore when singing. It was slightly opened or thight. Moreover, her friend Nita who became the model for a magazine was raped a photographer because of wearing minimal clothes. This rape made Nita was so stress and nearly committed suicide.

The condition became worse when a drunken guest began to bother her. Suci slaped him. But she was scolded by her boss. In addition, Murni asked her about the provision obtained from the job, was halal or not. Because she knew from Ayu, the restaurant also provided liquor for the customers.
One day her mother had a sudden recurrence of pain, and fell unconscious so that the neighbors had to take her to hospital. Apparently her mother was depressed because of the arrival of the owner of their rented house. Holy was confused what she had to do. Thankfully, help came from Sister Sita, a doughter of the owner stall where Suci sold the cakes made by her mother. She was also the mentor of recitation of Murni and her friends. Finally Suci decided to wear the hijab and refused Pierre who wanted to be her boyfriend.

Publisher : DAR Mizan in 2002

Gandhi, My Father

Nobody denies the greatness of the name of Mahatma Gandhi as a hero of anti-violence who strugged for India's freedom. All people of India regarded him as father of the nation. And no one believed when one day in the year 1946, a man looking like shaggy and dirty due to drunken vagrant found dying, said his father's name was Gandhi.
Harilal Gandhi.was eldest son of Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba.When his family was in Africa because his father, alienated the British government, Harilal stayed in India. He later married Gulab had betrothed to him, without the permission of his father. His father thought he's too young to get married. In order to persuade his father, Harilal went to Africa without his wife. He began learning his father's struggle, managing the newspaper and publishing a book that spoke of human rights and every nation to gain independence.Then Mahatma’s vexation dissapeared and Gulab was called to Africa to live with them.
Their struggle was never smoothly worked. Mahatma Gandhi was in prison. Harilal replaced to be an orator, lead the demonstrations. Mahatma Gandhi's freedom, instead of Harilal was in jail. His wife and daughter, Rami, chose return to India at the request of Mahatma. Harilal requested to keep accompanies of his father's struggle.
Harilal’s disappointment at his father's decision to send his wife back to India was peaked when a scholarship to study in England was given to him just a gift for someone else's child. Harilal himself was eager to learn English and went to law collage to continue their law firm, and became the successor of Gandhi's struggle.
After being free from the punishment, Mahatma invited back to fight with him, but Harilal refused. He should feel constrained by rules that made by his father. His father would never understood his desire.He decided to live his own life and returned to India, following his wife and doughter.
But living in India, without a title and content, made Harilal difficult to find a decent job. Moreover, the name of Gandhi was a heavy burden on his life. He lived at a rent house with his wife and children, living hand to mouth because of an uncertain income. When the Mahatma and his family returned to India to continue the struggle, Harilal tried to persuade his father to give them the capital to try a business.What a disappointment to him, heard nearly all the property, land and houses, again has been granted by his father to help others who are regarded as brothers in arms.
Harilal again speculated to start a business. He even dared to take risks for the debt. Because of the greatness of Gandhi's name, many people gave confidence to invest their capital. But because it always failed, Harilal more debt piling up. Her house was frequently visited by debt collectors. Even Mahatma Gandhi himself told his friends to demand Harilal who abuse the trust.
Harilal's life was increasingly erratic, when Gulab his wife died. Her children lived and cared by Mahatma Gandhi and his wife. His life was not ungodly johnny. Had converted to Islam because he wanted to show his rebellion to his father, but returned to Hinduism later.Physical and mental getting damaged because of being a slave of liquor and often found drunk in the street.
How ironic! Mahatma Gandhi, considered a hero who saved the soul of millions of Indian Nations, was unable to save the soul of his own son. Apparently, there is indeed no human being is perfect in this world.

Produksi : Anil Kapoor Film Company
Director : Feroze Khan
Producer : Anil Kapoor
Writer : Chandulal Dalal
Cast : Akshaye Khanna sebagai Harilal Gandhi, Darshan Jariwala sebagai Mahatma Gandhi, Bhoomika Chawla sebagai Gulab Gandhi, Shefaly Shetty sebagai Kasturba Gandhi, Vinay Jain, Marion Hind, Daniel Janks

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Butterfly Lovers

THE BUTTERFLY LOVERS is a Romeo-Juliet story of Chinese.If in Indonesia it may be similar with ‘Saijah and Adinda’ legend, Roro Mendut and Pronocitro, or other legendary love story that exists in some areas. Therefore, the story of Butterfly Lovers was already very popular among the Chinese community. So not surprisingly, this story has several times made the film, both wide screen and television, including starring Peter Ho.
I watched THE BUTTERFLY LOVERS is released in 2008, martial art version. But ordinary language is not Chinese, but Cantonese, so it is a bit strange in the ears. There is a bit similar to Thai. But surely not too much different with the usual Mandarin.
It told about Zhu Yanzhi (Charlene Choi), the sole daughter of an officer Zhu Gongyuan (Ti Lung) is sent to study in collage, disguised as men. He brought a letter from his father to be submitted to Cao tao (Harlem Yu), which is a medicine teacher at the college. Come take her departure is Cheng'en Ma (Hu Ge), her childhood friend. He also helped when Yanzhi get trouble on the way. But he was not alone, there was another man who helped her.
Back in college, he was taken facing chairman Cao Tao To-tau (Hung Yan Yan). It was there she knew the man who helped her was the oldest student named Zhongshan Ling (Wu Chun).Zhongshan was asked by Cao Tao to guide Yanzhi during probation before undergoing the test whether she could stay in college or not. They had become friends, until the feelings became mutual love. Originally Zhongshan who did not know Yanzhi was a girl, thought he was ill and asked for medicine to Cao Tao. But Cao Tao who knows the identity of Yanzhi was calm, but still did not unlock the secret for he feared Yanzhi expelled from college.
Zhangshan finally learned the truth when he found Yanzhi fell and injured while looking for medicinal plants for Cao Tao. This drug is an anti-pill tortoise, could make a temporary dead. Knowing this truth, they were feeling more deeply in love with both of them. Even through the assessment Zhangshan and Cao Tao, Yanzhi finally managed to graduate continuing of studying in college. But just at that moment, Ma Cheng'en came to fetch her.
Yanzhi later recounted by him that his father sent her to learn because it was deliberately facing defamation issues. Yanzhi’s family sent in jail. But thanks to the help of Ma Cheng'en who successfully promoted, Gongyuan Zhu and his wife (Li Qinqin) as well as other family released. Hearing this,Yanzhi with Ma Cheng'en came home.But earlier, she had tied an appointment with Zhongshan, who promised to catch up and get her to stay at the villa of butterflies --- the hill where a lot of flowers and butterflies live.
At home Yanzhi surprised to see there wedding preparations. Said his mother, it was for her wedding. But she immediately refused when it would be married to Ma Cheng'en already regarded as a brother.Gongyuan ignoring her daughter's rejection because it was already indebted to Cheng'en. Yanzhi was locked in the room.
Zhongshan who just haw arrived also heard about Yanzhi marriage. He immediately slipped into Yanzhi’s residence and talked to her. They planned to escape and promised to meet in a river. Did their efforts? If you love a kind of Romeo-Juliet story, surely you could guess the ending.

Director : Jingle Ma
Produser : Catherine Hun,
Writer : Chan Po Chun, Jingle Ma, Ng Ka-keung, Yeung Sin Ling
Distributor : Mei Ah Entertaiment Tahun 2008
Cast : Wu Chun as Leung Chung-Shan (Liang Zhongshan), Charlene Choi as Chuk Yin-Chi (Zhu Yanzhi), Hu Ge as Ma Sing-Yan (Ma Cheng'en), Harlem Yu as Uncle Cho-Yau (Uncle Caotou), Ti Lung as Chuk Kung-Yuen (Zhu Gongyuan), Xian Seli as Ngan-Sam (Yinxin), Hung Yan Yan as Uncle To-Tau (Uncle Toutuo)

Itazura na Kiss (イタズラな Kiss )

This TV series was an adaptation of the manga (comic) by Kaoru Tada which unfinished because of an accident that killed the writer. Nevertheless, this manga was very popular so it appointed to the TV screen not only in the Japanese version, but also the Taiwanese version, entitled 'It Started With A Kiss' and 'They Kiss Again', as well as the Korean version, entitled 'Mischievous Kiss', which is still producting. Follow-up story was written by another author with permission from the first author's husband. The idea endingnya remain as scheduled by late Kaoru.
The story originated from the carelessness of Aihara Kotoko so tripped and accidentally kissed Naoki Irie. This kiss made Kotoko love this genius and handsome guy very deeply. Because, having IQ rating was 200, Naoki was always be one in every exam. While Kotoko herself was capable of competing in the class F, class of students who had the lowest quality.
Kotoko and Naoki difference was not just that. Naoki was nearly perfect not only in lessons, he was also a good cook and good at sports. But since he was always be No. 1, he was very cold, rarely spoke, and seemed arrogant. Because of that, Naoki confusion to determine his goal.While Kotoko was contrary, recklessness, often makes bad luck and not clever in any case. But she had warm, open and energetic personality, so she was not easy to be in despair. The same thing she showed when she decided to pursue love with Naoki. She tried hard to win a marathon race, for the sake of making Naoki impressed. He also diligently studied in order to get good grades. Naoki compelled to teach her.
Opportunities for Kotoko to be closer to Naoki happened when the house where she and her father lived got fire. Incidentally Naoki's parents were friends of her father, and they offered them to stay in their homes with their both son, Naoki, and Yuki. Kotoko initially treated cold and unfriendly by both of them. Only Naoki’s Mother who comforted her hospitality. Even his mother' blessed her feelings for Naoki, and thought they fixed eachother. According to her, the warmth of Kotoko will be able to break the ice of Naoki.
This prediction turned out to be true. Although it was difficult for Naoki to admit it, but the presence of Kotoko had changed his life. Kotoko who allowed him to take the decision to become a doctor. Kotoko’s decision followed with a desire to be a nurse, so she could continue to be with him. Despite the risks, she had to continue in the school nurse, and she would not be able study at the same college with Naoki. In fact, Naoki studied in the same campus with Reiko Matsumoto, a beautiful girl who was always the same class with Naoki and openly loved him too.
Living a part from Kotoko during college, made Naoki’s life more peaceful. But he also felt something was missing. Because Kotoko made his life more vibrant and colorful. Would a cold and arrogant Naoki admit his feelings to Kotoko?

Other Tittle : Playful Kiss, Mischievous Kiss
Genre : Komedi Romatis 9 Episode
Writer : Kaoru Tada
Director : Yasuhara Ishii
Cast: Aiko Sato, Takashi Kashiwabara,