Friday, July 17, 2009


By : Lis Maulina

Because I love you, I send you a package of prayers
When the night was getting older
Throughtout silence of the dark
Throughtout bellows of the wind
Throughtout light of the moon
Throughtout twinkle of stars
Throughtout sincere of heart

Because I admire you, I send you a package of prayers
When the sun was getting riser
Throughtout your friendly answers
Throughtout your symphatic characters
Throughtout your hard trials
Throughtout your sweet smiles
Throughtout your handsome face

Because I like you, I send you a package of prayers
When the moon was getting disappeared
Throughtout my counting of tasbih
Throughtout my reading of qur’an
Throughtout my standing of shalat
Throughtout my doing of shaum
Throughtout my saying of doa

Because I love you, I send you a package of prayers
Eventhough I never know if they could reach you or not
For distance was too long
And difference was too real
For there was too high and too thick wall
Between my prayers
And your faith…

Banjarmasin, June 28, 2009, 19:00 Wita

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


by : Lis Maulina
Once I had many stars around
Decorating my sky of life
Lighting of laughs
Darkening of tears
All were beautiful

Then I lost one by one
Time took away them from me
Distance separated us
Business sank it
And I felt empty
Frightened in darkness
Freezed in loneliness

Suddenly I found flickers
Thousands of fireflies were being blowed
By wind from nowhere
Bu the warmth sending
Awake my spirit of life
“I’m no alone anymore”

Banjarmasin, Oct 5th, 1997